Friday, October 5, 2012


Following directions does not mean everything will work. As a guy that enjoys learning technology I have a habit of just jumping in and clicking buttons, but this time I actually followed Autodesk directions to uninstall Civil 3D 2013 because I didn't have time for this not to work. Unfortunately after following the uninstall document I was still unable to re-install 2013. During the reinstallation the software thought it was already installed and would not allow me to select the check box for installation. After uninstalling Civil 3D 2013 make sure you locate these registry keys before reinstalling the software.



After removing these registry keys the software installed properly. Locate the correct keys for Navisworks, Raster Design, ETC before reinstalling the Infrastructure Design Suite.

 *These keys need to be removed for all 2013 products before reinstalling products to ensure success. Match the correct key with the software that was removed.